
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The pace of life quickens

The final month of housesitting has been somewhat of a blur.

Working at the Advocate, thirty hours each week in Advertising and another shift in Editorial, keeps one pretty busy already. But I was hoping to find a way to earn a few dollars for summer expenses. “Ask, and ye shall receive.”

First, I had a reply to a contact I had made a couple months previously. This resulted in a successful quote for typing an entire book so that it could be revised and re-published. I set aside a Saturday and did little else but sit at the computer and type – and completed the project by Sunday afternoon.

Then I received a text message one morning from a homeowner we had met last summer when we tended their yard and dogs. She was desperate for someone to stay with the dogs for four days while she flew to the Maritimes for a funeral. Lyle gladly obliged. He won’t admit it, but he seemed to enjoy the time with Rocky & Rusty.

The following week, I was again surprised by an email to type another book. This time the book was being published for the first time and most of the typing was from the handwritten manuscript. Not only that, but the timeline was extremely short. I again quoted successfully and spent an entire weekend rattling the keyboard.

By then it was moving time, but my goal had been accomplished! You could quite rightly call me a “happy camper”!

The long-awaited day of April 20 finally came, but even as it arrived there was uncertainty on whether it would be moving day.

Over the winter I had found a solution on the internet for a “fix” on a problem with the bedroom slide. We had followed the instructions to the detail, but the slide would no longer retract properly. Feeling the situation had gone beyond our expertise, the trailer was taken to a repair shop. An phone call revealed that they had not worked on it yet. Could they do the adjustment so we could have it back?

By the RV was ready to be picked up. How relieved and happy we were to be able to stay on schedule!

Now with moving and cleaning house behind us, we have settled into our home-on-wheels for a third season. It feels so good to be home!