
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Merrily we roll along

I have always loved riding a bicycle. My first memories of bike riding are while sitting on the handlebars with my feet in the basket while my brother pedaled. While still in diapers, I would stand on the back of the tricycle, holding onto my brother, with a belt around us to hold me on while we rode.

The bike on which I learned to ride was a hand-me-down from my siblings with its best mileage long past, but to me it was the key to adventure. The best time of year for biking on the farm was late autumn, when the crop was harvested and well-worn tracks crossed the fields from the grain truck’s many trips. It was more appealing than circles around the farmyard, and it was safe.

When I finished business college and started a job in my hometown, my first major purchase was a bicycle. It was a three-speed beauty. I equipped it with the speedometer and headlight that I had bought with my weekly allowance for the old bike and rode around town every evening. Once a week or so I would ride the three miles to the farm, mow the lawn, and return to my boarding place in town.

I continued to use my bike through the first years of marriage, but when we moved to Regina, I sold it. City streets were not in my comfort zone.

Almost ten years later, we were living in a small town again and I was missing my bike. A friend gave me a bicycle that she never used. I quickly took to using it on a daily basis.

That bike moved with me to Alberta, where I used it for pleasure, for riding with my daughter, and for commuting to work. Eventually it wore out.

Another ten years went by before we took up our current lifestyle. I began thinking about a bicycle again. My kids found one at an auction last spring. It was worn, and not the correct size, but it showed me two things: I still enjoyed riding, and I would probably make good use of a bike. I promised myself to purchase a bicycle by April and ride it to work while parked at the Westerner Campground.

We moved to the campground on April 20 with no bike. On April 22 my husband took me to Edmonton, where I tried out a couple mountain bikes and a folding bicycle. I fell in love with the “foldie”.

No complaints of taking my bike, where to put it, or how inconvenient it is. I can fold my bike and put it in the hatch of my car!

The weather was wet, cold and windy during much of our stay, but I was able to ride to work for two or three days of each week. My Mother’s Day gift was a bicycle computer, and according to it, my new friend has taken me about 60 km. now. I don’t go as fast as I used to, but the pleasure is the same.

I anticipate many hours of riding along bike trails and through campgrounds, exploring each new surrounding. Merrily we will roll along!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back to the Country

Yesterday I left the Westerner Campground with my car, bike inside, and went to work. At the end of the afternoon, I headed to the highway and to our friend’s acreage, where we will be parked for a week and help her with some spring work.

“You can take the girl from the farm, but you can’t take the farm from the girl”. I love being in the country – the quietness, the space, the beauty. Last night when the sun went down it was actually dark!

There are a few maintenance things to do on the RV while we are here, like re-organizing the basement, checking the solar panels and antenna, maybe even giving it a bath. Those are chores not permitted in most campgrounds.

I am eagerly anticipating next weekend, when we head out on our first road trip. It will be a well-earned break to go to the mountains for four days. Since resuming work in December, I have only taken three days off – Family Day, Victoria Day, and a day to drive Lyle to Lethbridge for an appointment. I am hoping for lots of sunshine while I lay back in the hot springs and relax!

When we return, it will be time to begin our yardsitting commitments. But that also means back to the country. I'm a happy camper!

P.S. Just found the video done by Tourism Red Deer in response to my win in the "Favorite places to visit in Red Deer" contest last summer. Enjoy!