
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back to the Country

Yesterday I left the Westerner Campground with my car, bike inside, and went to work. At the end of the afternoon, I headed to the highway and to our friend’s acreage, where we will be parked for a week and help her with some spring work.

“You can take the girl from the farm, but you can’t take the farm from the girl”. I love being in the country – the quietness, the space, the beauty. Last night when the sun went down it was actually dark!

There are a few maintenance things to do on the RV while we are here, like re-organizing the basement, checking the solar panels and antenna, maybe even giving it a bath. Those are chores not permitted in most campgrounds.

I am eagerly anticipating next weekend, when we head out on our first road trip. It will be a well-earned break to go to the mountains for four days. Since resuming work in December, I have only taken three days off – Family Day, Victoria Day, and a day to drive Lyle to Lethbridge for an appointment. I am hoping for lots of sunshine while I lay back in the hot springs and relax!

When we return, it will be time to begin our yardsitting commitments. But that also means back to the country. I'm a happy camper!

P.S. Just found the video done by Tourism Red Deer in response to my win in the "Favorite places to visit in Red Deer" contest last summer. Enjoy!

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