
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

All work and no play? - football rivalry in the workplace

It’s game day!

That could mean that it is the day for the annual Advocate-sponsored bus trip to see the Edmonton Eskimos game. Or it could mean that Ken will wear his hoodie all day to promote his Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Or maybe Edith will be sporting her green capris with white t-shirt and Saskatchewan Roughrider shoes, socks and pendant.

Everyone knows that Fred, the publisher, is a Hamilton Tiger Cat fan. He displays his colors, at least verbally, on a regular basis. There are several Calgary Stampeder fans among the staff, balanced by the ever-loyal but quieter Edmonton Eskimo supporters.

Whichever is the case, there is a fun rivalry through the Canadian Football League (CFL) season at the Red Deer Advocate.

Of course, when I was a new employee I was not aware of these individual loyalties. I started in September, and into October the peer pressure was mounting to participate in the Halloween ritual of a costume contest. I don’t usually have much to do with Halloween, so to humor my co-workers, I dressed up – in ‘Rider gear. The judges took a look, laughed and shook their heads.

The next year, I searched the internet for an inexpensive costume idea. I wore black, covered the shirt with “Dollar Store” fake spider web, spiked my hair and presented myself as the Web Site. Fred, who was one of the three judges, commented, “Well it’s better than last year’s ‘Rider gear!”

I gave up on accommodating Halloween, but it certainly established my status as a Roughrider fan. The teasing continues, and I still cheer for those Saskatchewan Roughriders!

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