
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Tree Trek

Today I share a chapter from my "Tales of Cheveticus", stories of our 1983 Chevette that served us faithfully for over 200,000 km.

The family decided it would make a nice outing to cut a Christmas Tree from the forest. Mother went downtown and bought the required permit. Father installed a roof rack on Cheveticus to avoid scratching her paint. Each time it went on, Cheveticus knew another challenge was coming. Saturday dawned clear and bright, and the family dressed warmly and headed out.

The tree they were looking for had to be special, not just any evergreen tree. It had to be tall enough to be the centre of attention, but short enough to fit in the living room. It had to be narrow enough to fit in the available space, but wide enough to hold ornaments and tinsel.

They approached the forest area and examined each tree they passed. Mother saw an area that looked promising. They stopped the car and hiked in from the road through the deep snow. There was a lot more snow here than at home! Daughter had to follow along the path made by Father and Mother. Each tree was examined closely. Daughter liked them all. Mother said the tree was too tall if it was taller than she was. Father quietly assessed each tree and gave the final answer.

Finally a decision was reached. This tree would be their Christmas tree for this year. Father chopped it with the axe while Mother held the trunk. Daughter watched and laughed as the shaking branches threatened to dump cold snow down everyone’s necks!

Father and Mother carried the tree back to Chevetticus. They lifted it onto her roof and tied it securely in place on the roof rack, with the trunk protruding above the windshield and the tree top hanging over the hatch. “There, the hard work is over,” thought the family.

But the work was just beginning for Chevetticus. She hoped this was the only tree she would be expected to carry. It would be a lot of work to take the family home with this load on her roof.

The family paused to enjoy the hot chocolate and sandwiches Father had brought along. He knew everyone would be hungry after the tree was chosen. Then it was time to head home. Father drove while Mother kept watch on the tree to be sure it stayed in place. Daughter fell fast asleep.

Everyone arrived home safe and sound. With their Christmas tree twinkling with lights and decorations, the family were happy and Chevetticus could have a well-deserved rest.

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