
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Green is the color, football is the game

 As a child and teenager I paid no attention to the football season, Canadian or American.
That was before I became a resident of Regina. By the time training camp was over, it was obvious that to have any connection with the talk in the office, or anywhere else in Regina for that matter, some fundamental football knowledge was in order.

At that time, remembering the score was often sufficient. The Roughriders were not winning games. In fact, the crowd roused with excitement if the team escaped past their own end of the field! The quarterback was “J.J. Barnagel”, the sharing of halves between Joe Barnes and John Hufnagel. The prospect of any real news to cheer about was slim at best, but in Saskatchewan no one ever considered any other team. The 'Riders are owned by their fans. They were, and still are, the only professional sports team in the province.

After a few years of growing my roots into the die-hard following of the Roughriders, I had become a part of their “13th man,” an avid fan. It had nothing to do with the advent of Gainer the Gopher, but his rising stardom did not deter my enthusiasm.

There is a common saying that you can leave Saskatchewan, but you cannot leave the ’Riders. They are known to have more fans in more cities across Canada than any other team.
I had moved to Alberta by 1989, and my boss had visited Regina on a business trip. On my desk Monday morning was a package wrapped in a Regina Leader Post and tied with baler twine. It was my “stubble jumper kit” – T-shirt, pin and other ’Rider memorabilia. I asked if I could wear the shirt to work if the team won the Grey Cup. The answer was, “Yes.”
On Nov. 20, 1989, I wore my shirt and covered the walls with banners. It was the second Roughrider Grey Cup in history, and a time to celebrate!

I continue to be an avid Saskatchewan Roughrider fan. I follow the schedule and watch or listen to most of their games. I wear ’Rider gear. But I have never attended a game in person. In Regina days, we were always penny-pinching or busy hosting company. When we moved to Alberta I was promised a game but my husband, a chef, was usually working on weekends. Now his health problems preclude attending such an event.

Someday I hope to experience the excitement of cheering for my team with thousands of other fans at a game. In the meantime, I will continue to follow the Saskatchewan Roughriders and proudly wear my green and white! Go ’Riders!

"Green is the color. Football is the game.
We're all together and Winning is our aim.
So Cheer us on through the sun and rain.
Saskatchewan Roughriders is our name."

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