
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nerds and nice guys along the trail

Now that I have had my bicycle for a while, I’m building leg strength and becoming braver about where I ride.

Red Deer is known for its scenic trails, so while spending the weekend at the Lions Campground I decided to take a longer ride and try them out. What a pleasant surprise! The six km. round trip to Bower Ponds was so much fun, I retraced the route and went another 2.6 km. to Heritage Ranch and back. No doubt my muscles will remind me tomorrow.

Along the way were several sights I was not aware of before. Riding underneath the bridges was unique, with a couple corners one would not want to take too fast or one would land right in the river!

Then there was the old railway bridge, now a pedestrian/biking bridge. I went across and back just for the experience (it was not really part of my route).

Bower Ponds was bustling with people of every age – children in the playground, paddle boaters and canoeists, families watching the geese with their goslings, people just enjoying the view. Heritage Ranch was similarly busy.

However, there were a couple groups along the trail, the “nerds” of the day, who need to learn trail etiquette. Ringing a bell seemed to mean nothing and made the coming hill especially hard to climb. Parents, teach your children to stop when a bike passes, not run all over the trail! I was not the only one to apply the brakes and walk past them.

One jogger must have been listing to music, with no comprehension of his surroundings. Just as I stated to pass him, he veered left right into my path! The trails are for everyone, but some don’t seem to realize that they hinder the flow of traffic.

The opposite is also true. At one point I came upon three “nice guys” with skateboards, riding the hills. Their appearance would make an almost-senior wonder, but as I walked my bike past them on the bridge, they said hello and smiled. I was admiring the scenery at the end of the bridge before riding a sharp corner and descending a steep grade. As these guys came by, one turned and called, “We won’t hold you up on the hill!” And they certainly did not. My wheels were up to 36 km/hr, but they had already disappeared!

Another pair of “nice guys” on a tandem bike passed me as I stopped for some pictures. They graciously asked if I had a bike problem. That offer may have been welcomed earlier, when my chain jumped off the sprockets. But my cycling friend at work had briefed me on what to do in that situation, so I knew to stop pedaling immediately and the chain went back on without wedging tight.

Now I already looking forward to the next time we spend a weekend in the city so I can explore more of Red Deer’s scenic biking trails, avoid more “nerds” and meet more “nice guys”!

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