
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Just in Time

Winter’s snow and cold has descended on Central Alberta. October 2012 was an interesting month to be living in an RV. Those “winterized” units are not truly WINTERized.

The month started fine, with balmy temperatures and the annual Thanksgiving visit from big brother. We relocated to our friends’ yard and they ventured off on a road trip.

Then things changed! Snow fell and the temperature dropped. Even with some adjustments, the furnace seemed to be running all the time. The propane budget was blown away with the wind - $250 worth over one month!

Finally, there was a short reprieve in the weather. The folks from our winter housesit were able to begin their journey to Arizona and we were able to move into their house. Our kids graciously arranged their busy schedule to help carry boxes and, of course, my piano.

My thinking about full-timing in Canada has changed a little now.  I love RV living, but housesitting is a pretty good arrangement for Canadian winters!  It was a welcome change to be cozy and comfortable with an unlimited water supply, and to know it would still be that way in the morning. The cable and internet services are a big plus for long winter evenings as well.

The move was made just in time. Within hours it was snowing and blowing again. But I was tuned in to TSN, just in time for the last Roughrider games of the season.

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