
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Live with purpose, finish strong

It is New Years Eve, a traditional time of making resolutions and setting goals. It is a time when one can review the past year, enjoy memories of the high points, and strive to improve the low ones.

When I think of achieving goals, two people come to mind.

The first is Anna, a vibrant 24-year-old from my home town who left this world unexpectedly in a vehicle collision just two weeks ago. I had not met Anna personally, but was familiar with her reputation.

As I surfed through web sites giving tribute to her life, the theme was always the same: “…you were such a passionate, hard-working and positive person who loved God with your whole heart...” “…hard to image such a polite, hard-working and caring person…”
“She had such a sweet spirit and kind heart but at the same time had a great sense of humor and was quite a prankster!  What a joy she was to have here!  She brought so much life and laughter.”

The achievements in other people’s lives of this young lady surpass that of many older folk. She had goals and determination beyond her years. Her last text message to a friend said, “We are almost there, finish strong!”

Indeed, Anna finished strong.

The second person I think of is Florence, my roommate during my last year of college. Florence was the most loving, loyal and forgiving girl anyone could wish to share a room with, and I regret to think how much of each was practiced on me!

She always said her name was Florence for a reason. She was to be a nurse like her namesake, Florence Nightingale. So after a year of Bible College, she headed into nurses’ training. She then spent a couple years in Central America, and another two or three years in northern Manitoba, gaining experience and finding her “niche”. She then took her masters degree in maternity care and was very involved with the implementation of a midwifery program in her home province.

One summer Florence took more sick days than usual, just not feeling well. It was discovered she had a brain tumor. She tried treatments to no avail, so resigned and cleared out her office in September. By late October she was gone.

Her obituary summed up her life well: “Professionally, a nurse and a midwife who was passionate about her work. Personally, gifted with close friends whom she loved, and who loved her. Spiritually, a person who worked at integrating faith into every part of her life.”

Florence also finished strong.

As we look forward to 2013, what goals and changes to we need to make in order to finish strong? There are no guarantees we may see another New Years Eve. Let's use this one to make our lives count!

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