
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Community spirit strong in Ridgewood

Saturday afternoon was Spring Tea time at Ridgewood Community Hall. Many ladies of the local community enjoyed tea and strawberry shortcake, served by the local Women’s Institute members. I visited with four long-time residents of the area and learned the latest farm news and community happenings. There were door prizes (no, I did not win), a silent auction of two Martha Washington geraniums, and a beautiful display of local quilting, photography, and other crafts.

Strawberry Shortcake similar to that served (internet photo)
This was only the latest community event to be held at the Hall. In March, we enjoyed a spaghetti supper and a visit with the neighbours. In June we hope to return for Pancake Breakfast. Each October a large crowd of locals and nearby guests sit down to a full turkey supper, complete with homemade pie for dessert. In December the Hall hosts a potluck supper and Christmas program, reminiscent of the country school Christmas programs, with a visit from Santa.

All these functions contribute to the upkeep of the Community Hall with a modest admission fee, and enable residents to get to know each other better. This results in a cohesive community with a great sense of togetherness.

We are currently tending a farmyard in Ridgewood. It was purchased by a friend from an estate. As a result of these community events, we are becoming recognized and have learned an immense amount of history of the place where we live. Older neighbours are so pleased to hear that the yard is being looked after. The ladies at the Tea were delighted to hear that the flowers are still robust and enjoyed.
Ridgewood Community Hall (from Facebook page)

Over the past couple years, the acreages in the area have been hit with numerous burglaries. Even the Community Hall was not unscathed and is now under security. These acts have resulted in neighbours looking out for each other, being more attentive to strange vehicles and forming a Neighbourhood Watch team in an effort to keep the community safe.

If I were looking to live in rural Alberta, would I consider Ridgewood community? Yes, in a heartbeat! We need a very good reason to ever decline a yardsitting assignment in this area. It is a place to be proud of.

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