
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

100 days and counting!

Thursday, January 12, marks a milestone of sorts in my winter countdown. It is now 100 days until my husband and I head out for the next camping season.
Of course this means that the weather should be warmer. But more than that, it means that we will be moved back into our own home and back to the freedom of our mobile lifestyle.
Spending winter in a house is a blessing, given the cold temperatures and quantity of snow that Central Alberta can receive. We enjoy the space to use some of our items from storage, such as the breadmaker, and to assemble a jigsaw puzzle or two. I feel spoiled to have a garage to shelter my car from the harsh weather. We enjoy the opportunities of cable TV and unlimited internet time.
In spite of the comforts, when we think about spring we long to be back in the “fiver”. The space may be small, but it is our home. We are already discussing summer travels. Our first campground stay and yardsitting adventure are booked. The count is now down to double digits, when television and extended internet time will give way to campfires and long walks in the great outdoors.
The countdown is on!

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