
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Where new adventures begin…part 2

Remember the link I found to http://www.50plus.com/travel/new-years-resolutions-for-travellers/100887/? My imagination continues to ramble through the list as we consider plans for another mobile summer. Here are my thoughts on a few more suggestions:

Visit a World Heritage Site. In Central Alberta terms, this would be a National Historic Site. The park at Rocky Mountain House would be a good start. We discussed it last year but never went, so this would be a good summer to carry through on that. Last summer we took in the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin and the Remington-Alberta Carriage Centre in Cardston.

Cross a border. With the dollar close to par and several things on our “wish list”, we have been considering a trip to the U.S. for some time. There are friends we have not seen for many years that we would love to surprise with a visit. We would like to venture through the Black Hills, where we honeymooned 35 years ago. When the realities of budgets and time are considered, though, this one will stay on hold.

Travel vicariously with a book or movie. In the leisure time of rainy days in summer or snowy days in winter, there’s nothing like curling up with a good book or watching a favorite movie. Sometimes we connect the computer to the television and surf our dream adventures. “Streets and Trips” plots the road route with the mileage and time of the trip, the internet provides campground information to plan stopovers, and “Google Earth” or “Google Maps” give a good idea of the topography to expect. My computer contains the plans for many trips we may, or may not, take. But we have been there virtually.

Thank you, http://www.50plus.com/, for providing a list to keep me dreaming.

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