
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Business After Hours

Yesterday I took the opportunity to attend Business After Hours, a monthly event sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. It is like a mini trade show that takes place from to so that business people can participate.

The promotion stated that the event was open to the public free of charge. For nothing, it was worth checking out to gather information about local businesses and to do some networking in my job search.

I arrived about to find a room already bustling with activity. Around the perimeter were display tables and personnel from several businesses. To one side was a grand piano, with a pianist providing lovely classical background music. There was a display of door prizes and an abundant layout of food. In an adjoining room were further displays and more food. In all about 18 to 20 companies of a wide variety were represented.

At the registration table, I entered my name and moved on. I was not questioned as to who I was or what I was doing there. For that I was thankful. All of the business people I spoke with answered my inquiries fully and professionally, and the chocolate sample was superb!

I came away feeling refreshed, encouraged in my job search. Reactions had been positive. Some of my interests were reinforced as being poor choices. One idea was encouraged as a potential solution to my goals.

Business After Hours proved to be a wonderful choice. For anyone looking for information on local business, large or small, and wanting an opportunity to network with other business people, I would encourage this as a “must” stop. The next Business After Hours event is on January 31. Check the Chamber of Commerce web site at http://www.reddeerchamber.com for details.

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