
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

If wishes were horses...

There have been at least three job opportunities this week that would fit nicely with my skills and experience, making it a little easier to be positive about the hunt.

Sometimes one’s mind takes a break from reality and ventures to a perfect dream world, as in the old English rhyme “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride…”.

These are my current dream jobs, the first being more realistic and the second adventurous, but both quite real:

Dream Job #1

This would be an office job where I would work on a computer all day, perhaps doing web design or data entry. There would be no phones to answer and my work would be quite unique and independent. (That sounds a lot like my last job that was eliminated, which is why I enjoyed it so much).

Dream Job #2

This would be a landscaping or construction job where I would operate one of the heavy machines, whether that be a tractor, skid steer, loader, or even one of those huge haul trucks at Fort McMurray.

Coming back to reality, my next job will probably be some mixture of #1 with a few less desirables thrown in. That’s okay, but if wishes were horses…

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