
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Job hunting on a snow day

As I write this, it is -8C outside, snowing and windy. A snowfall warning is in effect for the area and the roads are snow-covered and icy.

So what does one do to search for a job on such a day?

I started the day as usual, going over my list of bookmarked job sites to see what was posted recently. Then I made a call to Employment Insurance (and sat on hold for 20 minutes) to inquire about funding and time for further courses. That call was a follow-up to yesterday’s visit to Academy of Learning. It looks like I may be able to take Simply Accounting or Quickbooks to upgrade my manual bookkeeping training to the computer age.

That accomplished, I took my turn at shoveling the driveway. The physical exercise keeps me in shape in case of a temporary job from Diversified, although today looks like I’ll be out shoveling again before the day is over.

The afternoon stretches before me to check job boards, redesign my resume, web surf and work the social media. Speaking of social media, you can find me at @doellingitout. I have gained excellent ideas and tips for job hunting from Twitter posts. I would recommend WiserWorker.com and 50PLUS.com to any older worker.

Meantime, I am thankful for a warm house to live in and not having to risk my life on the roads today. It’s a good day to curl up by the fireplace with a book!

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