
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ouch! The sting of being laid off

Last week it happened. After three years in a job that I loved, I was called to the manager's office at the end of the day and was informed it had been my last day. Ouch!

One sees headlines in the news every day about people being laid off. Many industries, and newspapers in particular, are making deep cuts. That is what happened to me. Word had been received that the budget was to be reduced. Even though I was punctual and diligent in my work, the position was deemed to be dispensible in light of higher demands.

Outside, I was able to remain calm. I cleaned out my desk, handed in my key, spoke very briefly to my co-worker, and was escorted out of the building. Inside, the child within me kicked and screamed, wanting to go back, rebeling at what was ahead.

The first couple days were busy with paperwork - Employment Insurance application, health benefit submissions and information of further coverage, company pension, etc. I even bravely sent off an application to another job. But the inner struggle continued.

Yesterday the remaining staff took me for lunch. Being able to confirm friendships, review happenings, and discuss strategies helped immensely. Thanks to my great former co-workers for their thoughtfulness and generous gift.

Today I visited the temporary employment agency. I re-registered for work on both the office and industrial sides. The office side provides experience with potential job leads and keeps up my computer skills; the industrial side provides variety and excercise. My first assignment is on Tuesday.

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