
Somewhere, at any time, there is a rainbow of promise!

Friday, November 11, 2011

The diversity of working with Diversified

Temporary assignments are a common way to network and earn money between jobs. In Red Deer, Diversified Staffing is well known for their provision of workers and work situations. They had helped fill the gap several years ago, so as part of my job search, I returned.

Registering on the office side can lead to a variety of office jobs, such as receptionist or data entry positions. I have covered some interesting assignments there.

One day another girl and I were sent to a large industrial firm to do data entry for inventory. We ended up counting electrical parts all morning, the entered inventory amounts until evening. Another time I was sent to proctor the test portion of Election Canada interviews. It involved setting up a printer, saving the candidates’ work to CD, and clearing each computer between users. Another assignment involved some reception but focused on typing and formatting the annual report and other documents.

One can increase the number and variety of work assignments by registering on the industrial side as well. Steel-toed boots are required but, hey, I grew up on a farm!

This week I spent a day polishing equipment for Agri-Trade. Yep, polishing combines and tractors with window cleaner and paper towels! There were a dozen of us doing it, and pizza was provided for lunch. Not a bad day.

I have worked on crews to set up a store to begin business, and assisted in renovations and moving of entire department stores. My first assignment with Diversified found me packaging frozen sausage rolls and meat pies. After freezing my thumb, they taught me the tricks to glove wear. I did not care for restoration work or holding up Persian rugs while they were being auctioned. It’s enlightening, though, to experience what other people do for a living, but sometimes one day is enough!

I have found that if one approaches the work with a smile and a can-do attitude, one can find acceptance and the day goes better for all.

Through temporary work assignments, contacts can be made that can lead to further work. At least they help pay the bills and keep one abreast of happenings in the workplace. And if the saying is true that variety is the spice of life, then Diversified keeps life very spicy!

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